Category: Featured

  • For The Babies

    Can you imagine a day that will surely come to pass when all the unborn aborted babies will stand around the judgment seat of Christ? Can you imagine the millions upon millions? They won’t be torn apart or dismembered; they’ll have been given glorified bodies. Can you imagine the look on their faces, it wont…

  • Why Is The Church Not Weeping?

    Every second – $3,075.64+ is being spent on pornography. Every second – 28,258+ internet users are viewing pornography. Every second – 372+ internet users are typing adult search terms into search engines. Every 39 minutes – a new pornographic video is being created in the United States. 37%+ of women are addicted to it, 67%+…

  • Are You Willing To Die For The Things That You Are Living For?

    Let me ask you, are you willing to die for the things that you are living for? Maybe an even better question one man of God asked, “Are the things you are living for worth Christ dying for?” Who you are, and what you do both in public and in private are who you are,…