Hannah’s Prayer in the House of Affliction

The book of 1 Samuel gives an account of a woman named Hannah who was barren. It says that she wept bitterly and was deeply distressed with great trouble in anxiety and vexation. She prayed in her heart to the Lord over her affliction and vowed that if He would give her a son, she would give him to the Lord all the days of his life.

You see, Hannah had a desperate need in a dark hour and knew that no human efforts could deliver her. Calamity brings forth an urgency and a realization to the reality that we cannot save ourselves in the house of affliction. Her prayers were of utter desperation and urgent need and were ultimately used to glorify her Lord. Many prayers never pierce through to heaven and make it to the throne of God and go unanswered for there is no real sense of urgency or cry of desperation in the heart of the afflicted.

No! Let the heavens be opened and deliver me in this hour in a way that only You can Lord! Many prayers have an urgent need and cry of desperation but lack the eternal purposes for which they are being spoken out and asked of God. Greater are the words, “Thy will be done!” than “My will be done!” Had Hannah merely prayed for a son, even in her desperation and dire need, God would not have delivered. She vowed her son who was yet to be born unto the Lord. That son was made a prophet. Do you now see how great the need?

The prayer that brings you flat on your face, desperately weeping and emptying your heart out to the Lord, crying out to Him with such an urgency, knowing that only He can deliver in that hour for His purposes..that my friend is a prayer that reaches through to heaven and makes its way to the very throne of God. He hears the desperate prayer of His people and is the God of the patently impossible. The blind see, the deaf hear, the lame walk, the barren are made fruitful, the lepers are made spotless, and the dead are raised. Truly, nothing is too difficult for Thee.


